Home / Move SQL DB used by SQLDBManager to another SQL server

Move SQL DB used by SQLDBManager to another SQL server

How do I migrate the MSSQL DB used by our SQLDBManager to another MSSQL server?

  1. Shutdown SQLDBManager completely before the database migration
    Stop SQLDBManager services.
    Shutdown SQLDBManager via command prompt by executing the following command from <SQLDBManager_Home> folder:
    shutdownSQLDBManagerPlus.bat -force (<SQLDBManager_Home> is the directory in which SQLDBManager is installed, default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\SQLDBManager5)
    Repeat the same until you find the message "No processes related to the SQLDBManager are Running"
  2. Migrate the database to new server
    For steps and tips for migrating MsSQL to a new server refer below link.
  3. Configuring SQLDBManager to work with the database in new server
    Open the database_params.conf file present in <SQLDBManager_home>\working\conf and change the hostname (localhost) and port number (1433) in the below line to the new SQL server
    url jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433/MESQLDBM;appName=SQLDBManager AppModules TopoDB-MapDB-EventDB-AlertDB-PollDB-PolicyDB-USERSTORAGEDB-ApplnDB

    Change the username and password of the new Mssql Server (if you have changed it) in the same file in the below lines.
    # login username for database if any
    username sa AppModules TopoDB-MapDB-EventDB-AlertDB-PollDB-PolicyDB-USERSTORAGEDB-ApplnDB
    # login password for the database if any
    encryptedpassword XXXXXXXXXX AppModules TopoDB-MapDB-EventDB-AlertDB-PollDB-PolicyDB-USERSTORAGEDB-ApplnDB
    To change the password, change the word encryptedpassword to password and type the password in clear text like below
    password sqldbmanager AppModules TopoDB-MapDB-EventDB-AlertDB-PollDB-PolicyDB-USERSTORAGEDB-ApplnDB
    Save and close the file.
  4. Start SQLDBManager
    check if it is connected to the database on the new server, if you need any assistance or face any issues while migrating get in touch with our support.

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