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SQL Server Details Page - Unable to Connect and Collect Host Server Details

7. In SQL Server details page while configuring Host Details in Edit Monitor screen, i am getting error and i am unable to collect host details

Follow the below steps when you are unable to add Host details in a SQL Server :

  1. Check if you can login into the remote server using the same credentials provided in SQLDBManager Plus ( try this from SQLDBManager Plus machine using mstsc )
  2. If the above step works, try to connect to the remote system WMI using wbemtest from SQLDBManager Plus machine. Steps for using wbemtest :
    • Click on Start --> Run --> wbemtest. It opens up Windows Management Instrument Tester. Click Connect button. This will open another window and in the first text box type file://hostname/root/cimv2 ( root\default will be present there ). Then type the user name and password in corresponding credentials field. After that click on Connect button. Also try the same step with hostip instead of the hostname. If you get any error in both the steps, it might be due to a problem in windows related setting ( also try with domainname\username for username credentials field ). If you are able to connect with Ip alone and not with hostname, simply add a entry for this Ip and hostname in etc/host file of SQLDBManager Plus machine.

If step 2 fails with error message : Authentication Failed or Access denied try this troubleshooting steps : http://appmanager.com/troubleshoot.html#m66
If step 2 fails with error message : RPC Server is not available, try this troubleshooting steps : http://appmanager.com/troubleshoot.html#m67

If the problem persists, go to <SQLDBManager Plus>\working\conf\application\scripts directory from command prompt and execute the following command : cscript cpu.vbs hostname username password ( the credentials provided here should be same as SQLDBManager Plus ) and let send the output to sqldbmanagerplus-support@manageengine.com . Also send a screen shot of the error message from the Edit SQL Server screen and Support Information File ( Support tab > Support Information File link ) to us.

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